Tuesday, February 28, 2006


My boyfriend broke up with me. It will be three weeks on Thursday morning, lets say about 2 am.

Who breaks up at 2 am in NYC when you are there on business?

Over Over Over Over

I keep hearing Bjork's lyrics - my heart was so broken - its like a broken record in my head that I can't stop. I keep wondering if he is thinking of me. I think about him all the time - sometimes when I wish I wouldn't.

Its hard to avoid:


Since its winter I'm watching tons of crappy TV. Last night watched the bachelor till eleven. Currently watching Extra! They are rehashing everything we watched on Inside Edition. Hasn't anyone but me noticed that these are the same program, just different hosts? And how did they get that guy from that band to be a host?

Started listening to a new CD, a few actually - but my favs are the Go!Team and Nouvelle Vague.

Good Good Good

Tonight we are eating cauliflower with cheese sauce (grainy) and mahi mahi in teryaki. MMmmmm

Hope its good.


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